Sunday, December 27, 2009

I have pictures....

but to get them on here, I need to remember where I put the cord to the camera that connects to the computer so I can get the pics off the camera. At this time, I have no idea where the heck I put that thing. Don't you hate that? I still have pregnant brain. Someone told me that this would go away...but we're going on 11 weeks post partum, and I'm lucky if I remember the keys to the car. SUCH FUN.

Okay so this past week was a big one. First, I got Mastitis. If you don't know what this it. I think there are some men who read this who may not want to know, so I won't go into details. There may also be some nursing mothers reading this that I don't want to scare the crap out of. I will tell you that the only other time I felt that bad was after I had Elsie. Ryan helped diagnose me and my wonderful OBGYN called in a prescription for me on Christmas Eve Eve. I've been on antibiotics for 72 hours and am starting to feel like myself.

Secondly, Elsie is in an open crib, off oxygen, and taking six feedings (out of eight) by mouth. She loves the open crib and has been holding her temperature well. Yesterday she was quite congested from having tubes in her nose for so long, and now suddenly, no oxygen blowing down her nostrils. She is keeping her blood oxygenation levels up beautifully. I am nursing her three times a day and the nurses are giving her bottles when I am not there at night.

Now, before you go all, "why are you letting them give bottles?" This change happened on Wednesday in the middle of my sickness. I didn't want to hold Elsie back from progress just because I couldn't be there to nurse. And, it will help her get home more quickly if she can demonstrate that she can take more feedings by mouth. She is continuing to nurse well, and take my milk from the bottle beautifully.

She is definitely making progress. What else? Oh! She weighs 4 lbs 11 oz!

Love Y'all,

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the mastitis! I never had that but had plugged ducts and that was so painful. I can't imagine! I'm glad you're doing better though.

    And, YEA for Elsie being in a crib and feeding more. And weighing almost 5 pounds! It seems like there's a light at the end of the tunnel now. We're thinking about you guys and can't wait to see more pictures of the little diva!
