Monday, November 23, 2009

Off the CPAP...

Elsie is off the CPAP and on a Cannula. Now the problem is her nasal passages are so swollen from the prongs and air...she is having a hard time breathing. To treat this, the nurses are suctioning her out when she shows signs of distress and putting cold saline drops down her nose every three hours. I felt awful for her listening to her tiny little body try and breathe and not be able to do so easily. So sad.

Her hematocrit levels were low this morning so she is getting another blood transfusion. This is number three for those of you counting with me. The doctor called her a blood transfusion junkie. Sometimes, doctor humor is not really funny. Seriously though, she has been getting one about every 10 days. We are hoping now that she is bigger ( 2 lbs 13 oz!) the transfusions will not be needed as frequently in the future.

We shall see.

Love Y'all,


  1. What wonderful news! Great Thanksgiving gift for you guys. Still praying for sweet Elsie.

  2. I'm sure the swelling will go down soon and she'll be just thrilled not having to fight with that thing. Elsie's getting to be such a big girl! She's almost 3 pounds! Woo hoo!

  3. Ellen, this is Miss Pat. We are delighted to read the improvement in Elsie Lou. We will keep praying for her, you and Ryan.
    When you can't take any more hang on to God's word--I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippines 4:13
