Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Road Trip

Apologize for the pause there, y'all. I took Elsie on her first road trip last week! My sister in law is getting married in April and I wanted to attend her wedding shower since I will be unable to attend the Bachelorette Party. I also wanted to introduce Elsie to her aunts and cousins, as well as her great grandmother (and name sake) prior to the wedding. Y'all know how nuts things can get before a wedding. This time we were able to really visit and enjoy the company. I was so glad I made the trip.

I'm not going to lie, the trip up was pretty stressful. So, I stayed with my in laws for a week so I could recover and build up the strength to make the haul home again. For those of you wondering, the drive is eight hours...and yes I drove all by myself. It took us about 10 hours. Any new moms traveling by car with their infants email me and I have all kinds of lessons learned if you are interested!

For those of you who don't know Elsie is named Elsie Louise after Grandmama (Ryan's Grandmother). She finally got to hold our sweet baby girl last week and it was so amazing to see. Grandmama prayed so hard while Elsie was in the hospital. I told Elsie all about Grandmama when she was in the hospital. Now they've met and are great friends. May we all be so lucky, people. To one day be old, and surrounded by our family and friends. My Dad would say "Lord willlin' and the crick don't rise."Amen.

I was also appreciative to see some of the Conway crew who have prayed so hard for Elsie. My family is truly a testament to the power of prayer and they have a lot to do with that. It was great to see them and tell them how wonderful she is doing. Thanks Ladies! If you missed Elsie, her official debut will be at the wedding. See y'all then!

Elsie did not actually go to the shower, but I did dress her up to take pics with the girls afterwards. Here she is in her dress! Her cousin asked "why you got that big dress on that little bitty girl?" Because it's pretty....

Love Y'all



  1. that's right and she is SO pretty!
    Little bitty girl!

    Man, a road trip all alone with a tiny infant... where have I seen that before? oh yeah....

  2. Hey Ellen-
    Glad you survived the trip! She is a doll..I LOVED the birth announcement. I know you've heard it a million times but she looks so much like you:) Miss you!
