Thursday, March 25, 2010

Synagis, Reflux, and a Soapbox...

Today Elsie got her last Synagis shot for the 2009-2010 season. Whoo hoo! BCBS is cheering (can you hear them?). She doesn't get another until September. That sounds like a really long time, doesn't it? She weighed 9 lbs 7.4 oz. Almost 9 and a half pounds!

Over the last week Elsie's reflux has gotten worse. I haven't done anything different...and the poor girl was obviously hurting. So the last few days I have been frah-zzled. Today at her check up our pediatrician put her Bethenachol in addition to Prevacid. Let's hope this works...because GHUL, I don't know what else to do.

There is no way you haven't heard about the historic health care reform bill that passed earlier this week and is now going BACK to the house (what the heck is that about?). My FB friends are passionate about this subject. However, to my knowledge, not many of them have an intimate relationship with a healthcare provider(s) or their health insurer. And since this is my blog; this is where I get on my soap box. If you don't like it...don't read it.

First, I acknowledge there are some great parts to this bill. Especially the item regarding "pre-existing conditions" related to children, and the fact children cannot be dropped when they get sick. Obviously we have seen children who have been denied due to some ''pre-existing condition," and cross our fingers we do not get a diagnosis in the future that would cause our fantastic insurance plan to drop us.

The issue I have is with the taxation to pay for all of this. My husband is blessed with a fantastic employer and a job he enjoys. Even better, he is compensated pretty handsomely for his almost 30 years of age. Our Medicare taxes will go up by 30%. This is my point people. Who decided the line in the sand? Who said that x amount of dollars is enough that YOU have to pay more than someone else? Because let me tell you: that amount that sounds unbelievably wealthy...doesn't go very far in 2010. Definitely not far enough that we won't feel it (like a punch in the gut) when our taxes go up by 30%.

We are blessed even further to have fantastic health care. Which will increase in premiums because they've got to pass the increase in tax on "cadillac" plans to the participants. Why do we have to be penalized for having great jobs that happen to have a great health plan?

All of this makes me want to vomit. I wish our President and Congress had more experience down here, in the trenches. See how far your money goes when you have to work like a flipping maniac for it. Then have to give 30% of it back. See how that makes you feel.

All this being said. I agree there is significant need for reform. I just don't think this is it, peeps. Please let this be a jumping off point.

Love y'all,

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