Monday, March 15, 2010

A Year Ago...

We moved into this house. I still don't have dining room furniture, and the walls are stark white. When we moved in I had all these plans....color schemes, what kind of furniture we needed. What is it they say about "the best laid plans?" Well, they pretty much went out the window.

We were pregnant (barely) when we closed on this house but didn't know it. Ryan and I were so proud. We had worked hard, and were finally purchasing a dream of a first home. We are still proud, and I love this house. Part of me wonders how long we will fit in it, but that is a whole can of worms we'll think about in a few years.

I've been reflective lately. I feel like us moving into this house was the beginning of our story, or at least, the most recent chapters. The past year has been a doozie, needless to say. When I was in Conway a lady who is a regular reader of the blog pointed out what a powerful testimony we have; and how it has changed us. This got me thinking. She is right.

What has occurred in our lives over the past year has been unbelievable. Some awesome (we bought a house! We had a baby!). Some truly hard to stomach; Riley Dog took his leave, and Elsie was born a micro preemie. But the bottom line is we are all alive and healthy (except Riley). After everything Ryan and I are happily married and have a daughter that is doing well.

You really can't ask for more than that. I can't help but wonder what the next year will bring. How will He use us next? How will what has happened impact us going forward?

One thing is for sure. Whatever happens we can handle it. That we know. We will freak out a little bit, but we can handle it. :)

Love Y'all,


  1. good for you girl.
    God bless.
    And don't feel bad, we have builder blah walls too. lived here 2 1/2 years. Stuff aka LIFE happens!
    But we have a plan for paint!!! We'll see...

  2. This was so uplifting to read. Thank you for posting. I just read my friends posting (she was my little sister in our sorority) and her son has spina bifida. James is doing wonderful and she said she was honored that God thought they had what it took to raise such a precious boy. I thought of you and Ryan. He clearly knew you guys had what it took to get through this past year.

    Aunt Sarah Beth
